Everyone remember Actor Rahman from ‘Nileve Malare’ and ‘Puthu Puthu Arthangal’ and he was once a popular hero in 1980s. After few films in Tamil, he didn’t get much in Kollywood and moved back to Malayalam. Now Rahman is in Malayalam and did second hero roles in the films Black, Rajamanikyam, Mahasamudram and Bhargavacharitham Moonam Khandam. Then he took a break only to resurface in director Ameer’s Ram. Rahman performed well in Tamil movies Thoothukudi and Ram.
Now busy in Malayalam films doing meaty roles, Rahman will play a tough cop in the remake version of ‘Super star’ Rajini’s yesteryear blockbuster ‘Billa’ with ‘Altimate Star’ Ajith. He enacts the role played by Major Sundararajan in the original version of Billa. We wish him all the best on his second round at Kollywood industry.