Director Murthy has tried to convey “Women need to be educated” message using commercial elements in Karuppasamy Kuthagaikarar. Karan after a playing a serious hero in Kokki, has opted for the opposite in this movie. He plays a lively youngster and the entire movie is woven around the life of Karuppasamy (Karan) and he shoulders the burden remarkably well.

With Madurai as the backdrop, debutant director Murthy manages to strike the right chord with viewers. The entire movie is set in Madurai and the whole crew seems to have done their homework well getting the Madurai slang and ambience right. Karan seems to have reduced his weight considerably. Sporting a fresh look, he has been able to bring out Karuppasamy’s sensibility, vulnerability and patience in love. Donning a performance-oriented role, debutante Meenakshi does a commendable job.

The movie is about Karuppasamy (Karan), who looks after a two-wheeler stand in Madurai and is a good-natured individual who cares for his friends. His honest ways attract many admirers and well-wishers. He also runs a dance troupe that stages shows during various temple festivals in and around Madurai.

At this point, the heroine Meenakshi (Meenakshi) enters Karuppasamy’s life.A first-year student of Madurai Medical College, she holds Karuppasamy in high esteem for his noble ways. It slowly turns into love. However, Karuppasamy is determined that their romance does not obstruct Meenakshi’s studies. He helps her pass with flying colours.

Coming to know about their affair, Meenakshi’s family takes Karuppasamy to task. On the promise that they would allow Meenakshi to continue her studies, Karuppasamy decides to sacrifice his love. However, her family has other plans. How Karuppasamy thwarts their attempts and succeeds in his mission forms the rest of the story.

Though Madurai and nearby areas have been the backdrop for several movies in the recent past, Karuppasamy Kuthagaikarar provides a different feel. Unfortunately, music by Dheena is a letdown. Karuppasamy Kuthagaikarar is enjoyable in parts. Source: NewsToday