“RED FLOWER” is an action thriller film produced by K. Manickam under Sri Kalikampal Pictures. Actor Vignesh portrays the lead role in this story, penned and directed by filmmaker Andrew Pandian. “RED FLOWER” features actress Manisha Jashnani in the female lead role.
“RED FLOWER” movie also stars Nasser, YG Mahendran, Suresh Menon, John Vijay, Ajay Rathinam, Leela Samson, DM Karthik, Gobi Kannadasan, Thalivasal Vijay, Mohan Ram, Yog JP, and others.
Cinematography is handled by K. Devasurya, music composed by Santhosh Ram, editing by Aravindan Arumugam, and the story, screenplay, and dialogues are written and directed by Andrew Pandian.