Sarath Kumar is one of the few actors, who aspire to make it big in politics. He has opted to go the MGR way by opting for the title Nam Nadu for his next flick. Sarath has changed the title for his forthcoming remake film of the Malayalam hit Lion as Nam Naadu, the yester year block Buster of MGR. Initially the film was titled as Azhagiri. When the producer of the movie Ramesh Babu of Kanakarathna Movies made efforts to register the title with the Tamil Film Producers Association, they immediately rejected his request. Then he moved to the Film Chamber. They were also hesitant in registering the title, and opined that there would be a problem in releasing the movie with that name, since it resembled with the name of the Chief Minister’s son Mu.Ka. Azhagiri. After the intervention of Sarath himself, they registered the title.
But after a few days of the registration, Sarath has changed his mind, and opted for a new one namely Nam Naadu, a block buster of the late legend MGR. When asked Sarath about this change, he told, “Yes… I have changed the title as Nam Naadu for my next film being directed by Suresh. I have not taken this decision because of any threat or fear. I thought that the title Nam Naadu is more positive that the previous one, Azhagiri. Sentimentally, I feel that this title is more attractive than Azhagiri. I hope that the film will be took my career to a new high…'”.
The shooting for this film will start after the unveiling of the Kamarajar Mani Mandapam at Viruthu Nagar, a dream event of Sarath Kumar on 29 th of April, Sunday. Tamanna will be playing the lead lady role against Sarath Kumar in this film. “For directors, every movie is a new challenge. You are not measured by the past success or can one live in old glory. All I would like to say at this juncture is the assurance of an action-filled fare and sentimentally-laced commercial entertainerâ€Â, he says on directing Sarath.