The much talked about release of the film “Singayil Gurushetram – 24 Hours of Anger” is slated to be in Tamil Nadu in early March. The film was recently awarded U/A Certificate by the board of censors in India. Describing the film as a quality and entertaining film the censor board members praised the storytelling technique and quality of performance by the many newcomers! Metro Films Pvt Ltd will release the film in India.
The film will be simultaneously released in Malaysia by Suara Networks (M) SDN BHD and in Sri Lanka by Event Concepts as “Gurushetram – 24 Hours of Anger”.
The movie chronicles the trials and tribulations of protagonist Prakash and how he overcomes several obstacles in the mission to protect his mentally challenged brother amidst the Singapore underworld, drug barrens and law abiders.
The film is directed by debutant T T Dhavamanni. Behind the scenes, T T Dhavamanni collaborated with many of his long-time associates, including director of photography, European Award winning cinematographer, Lucas Jodogne, production designer Veeraraghavan, and Tamil Nadu state award winning editor Praveen KL (Chennai60028, Saroja, Goa). The original score is by Jaggubhai fame Rafee with Malaysia’s very own flute artist Sesatre Silsila collaborating for the theme music of the film and Sri Lankan Rap artiste Dinesh Kanagaratnam collaborating for the theme song. The only song in the film is written by Karky!
Gurushetram Movie Gallery
Gurushetram Movie Photo Gallery