Popular Telugu film actor Chiranjeevi has ended all speculations and decided to take a plunge into Andhra Pradesh politics by launching his own party in the new year, according to sources close to the mega star. The tentative date of announcement of the new party is Jan 11!
The recent controversy following his daughter’s elopement with her boyfriend and their marriage against the wishes of the actor’s family dealt a blow to his plans, but chiru has decided to take the plunge now.
The actor, has a massive fan following in the state, could change the political scene in the state. He, however, made it clear that his party would not be only for Kapu, the community to which be belongs. Fans are already celebrating in a big way and making it clear that they are happy to see their matinee idol in a different role. Given his charisma and philanthropic work through the Chiranjeevi Blood and Eye Bank in the past few years, he was being constantly pestered by the media and the industry alike to float a political party.
In spite of having many positive aspects it is not going to be a cake walk for Chiranjeevi in the current scenario of state politics. All the best Chiru!!
Click here for the Srija and Sirish Wedding photos
Click here for the Chiranjeevi daughter Srija marriage video