After Imsai Arasan, and Indralogathil Na. Azhagappan, Vaigai Puyal actor Vadivelu has signed a new film as hero. The film is titled as Vedigundu Murugesan! Unlike the previous two, the new project is totally social story based on current events. The movie will be a full length comic flick Karuppasaamy Kuthagaitharar fame director Moorthy will be calling the shots. The hilarious comedy portion of Karuppasamy is the main reason for both coming together again. Pasupathy, the actor known for his cameo roles like the one in Veyyil has agreed to act as the second hero of the film.

The real hot news about the film is the heroines approached for the project. The director had already approached ‘sex bomb’ Namitha for the lead role against Vadivelu and waiting for the positive reply from the actress. Vadivelu already instructed the director to pay a whopping amount to get the dates of the actress. Apart from Namitha, one more heroine will be plays in the film. Talks going on with Navneeth Kaur, the heroine of Captain Vijaykanth’s Arasangam, for this role! It is said that Vadivelu also very particular in getting the dates of Navneeth Kaur (it is a known secrete!).

However Namitha is yet to be confirmed the news about her role in Vedigundu Murugesan.

At present Vadivelu is busy in completing the shooting for Indralogathil Na Azhagappan in which he appears in three different roles of Lord Indiran, Lord Yamadarma and a common man Azhagappan.