Health Secretary Mr.V.K.Subburaj Inaugurated cardiac screening in Oxymed Hospital. oxymed Hospital held a special function for World Heart day. The function was attended by Tamilnadu Government Health Secretary Mr.V.K.Subburaj, Star Health Insurance Chairman Mr.Jaganathan and Retired DME (O.S.D) and Dean of Madras Medical College Mr.M. Dhanpal. Dr.Ayaz Akbar Chairman of Oxymed Hospital said that Oxymed will do Enhanced Cardiac health screening for a special concession rate of 50% for World Heart day for 1 month and also spoke about the advancement in Cardiology from invasive procedure to less invasive procedure had been the trend from 4 decades Now the advancement is complete Non-invasive procedure without hospitalization and Surgery.
Oxymed hospital is expanding its capacity day by day to help cardiac patients with refractive angina and congestive heart failure and Coronary Heart disease without surgery and also thanked the state government of Tamilnadu under the able leadership Mr.V.K.Subbaraj for having recognized these technologies
Also Dr.Akber stated that the major suffering in old ages is Ortho related problems, pain and suffering and inability to walk where surgery is only the solution. But Oxymed has brought this innovative Emitron NASA Technology Pulsed Signal Therapy (P.S.T.)to re grow the cartilage and to avoid pain and trauma for Osteo Arthritis patients without surgery.
Mr.V.K.Subburaj said cardiac disease in Tamilnadu is increasing in an alarming rate and government has brought various scheme including Varumun kaappom thittam and Kalignar Life Saving Scheme to tackle this.
And also appreciated the tremendous efforts by Dr.Ayaz Akber and Oxymed team for their dedicated services both in cardiac and in Orthopedic and these approved therapies which are quit popular in the United States Mr.V.K.Subbaraj complimented Dr.Akber for bringing these Technologies and at the same time stated in Government hospital also very soon these technologies will be incorporated , for such of those who are not willing to go for surgery or for those whose surgeries cannot be performed.
Dr.Dhanapal commented cardiovascular diseases are the world’s largest killers, claiming 17.5 million lives a year. Risk factors for heart
disease and stroke include raised blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, smoking, inadequate intake of fruit and vegetables,
Over glucose levels, smoking, inadequate intake of fruit and vegetables, overweight, obesity and physical inactivity. Mr. Jaganathan and Dr.Dhnapal were felicitated in the meeting.Dr.S.Ramasamy Clinical director of Vaso-Meditech Pvt Ltd thanked Health secretary and Mr.Jaganathan in bringing Non-Invasive cardiac treatment like EECP therapy under insurance coverage and government guideline. Dr.Ayaz Akbar further added he has included Sphgmocar device for this health screening which can identify the
arterial ageing and blood pressure close to heart.