Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and DMK patriarch M Karunanidhi’s political acumen and literary prowess have inspired his daughter Kanimozhi to make a documentary on his rugged yet eventful journey of life.
The 39-year-old poetess, who is in the spotlight following speculation that she will be made a Rajya Sabha member to take over the place of Dayanidhi Maran as the DMK’s Point person at New Delhi, has almost completed the project after nearly three years of effort.
However, it could not be presented as a gift to her illustrious father on his 84th birthday on June three as the post-production works were still on.
“The documentary will be released only after two months as the editing process is still going on. Unfortunately, it will not coincide with his birthday next month,” she told PTI.
Kanimozhi, who has embarked on the mission along with award-winning wildlife photographer Alphonse Roy, has personally interviewed political personalities, including former Prime Minister V P Singh, who have had a long association with her father.
Views of political analysts, veteran journalists and even that of ‘Tuglaq’ Editor Cho Ramsamy, an acerbic critic of Karunandihi, have been recorded for the film.
However, the highlight of the documentary will be her personal interactions with her father in which the grand old man of Tamil Nadu politics has talked about the crucial phases of his political career, his relationships and his literary works. Source: TheHindu