The Suriya-Murugadas movie, intriguingly titled 7 Am Arivu, was launched formally on May 15, 2010 at Hotel Green Park, Chennai. Produced in the Red Giant Movie banner by Udhayanidhi Stalin, it marks the debut of Shruti Haasan in Tamil films.
Murugadas has worked on the 7 Aum Arivu script for about a year. The new film is being produced in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi.” Harris Jayaraj helms the music and Ravi K. Chandran is the cinematographer.
Murugadoss and Surya combination has already given the blockbuster movie Ghajini and Surya-Udhayanidhi combination has given the super-hit movie Aadhavan. Shruthi will be testing her Luck in Kollywood with this movie. Only time will tell if all these super-hit combination will churn out another blockbuster for the Tamil audience.