Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Kalainyar Karunanidhi’s forthcoming film ‘Penn Singam’ will have the audio launched on Saturday 1st May by 5.00 PM at Sathyam Theater. Padmashree Kamal Haasan releases the ‘Pen Singam’ music. Tamil Film Producers Council President Rama Narayanan, producer A.V.M. Saravanan, Lyric writer Vaali, producer V.C. Guhanathan, Abhirami Ramanathan and others will be gracing over the occasion.
Pen Singam is directed by Bali Srirangam and is produced by industrialist N. Jaya Murugan of Nandini Arts.
Penn Singam features Uday Kiran and Meera Jasmine in the lead roles. The star cast also includes Vivek, Riteesh M.P., Sudarsana Sen, Richard, Radha Ravi, Rambha, Thalaivaasal Vijay, Rohini, Sriranjini, Vaagai Chandrasekar, Nizhalgal Ravi, Madan Pop and O.A.K. Sundar. Innisai Thendral Deva has scored music.