Sun TV Network’s market capitalisation dropped by Rs 936.54 crore in the last five trading sessions on BSE, reflecting investors’ concerns about the impact of recent political developments on the leading entertainment company. Sun TV’s market cap was above Rs 11,124.57 crore last Wednesday, and dropped to about Rs 10,188.02 crore on Tuesday.

Sun TV’s Rs 10 paid up share price on BSE dropped 3.62% on Tuesday to Rs 1478.90 on top of a 4.31% drop on Monday, even while Sensex dropped 0.26% on Tuesday against a gain of 1.18% on Monday.

On Sunday, Mr Dayanidhi Maran, brother of Sun TV’s chairman and CEO Kalanidhi Maran, offered to step down from the Union cabinet where he was a minister of IT and Communication, after DMK’s administrative committee sought his exit. A day later, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh accepted his resignation.

Mr Kalanidhi Maran, who, as the biggest shareholder of Sun TV (he holds about 90% stake) saw his own wealth coming down by over Rs 84 crore during this period, has always maintained that Sun TV had nothing to do with DMK. Similarly, Mr Dayanidhi Maran, speaking to reporters in Chennai on Monday, said he had nothing to do with either Sun TV or Dinakaran.

Yet, the drop in share prices comes amidst widening rift between DMK leaders and Mr Dayanidhi Maran. On Monday, Mr Maran made an attempt to reach out to the party and its leader M Karunanidhi asserting his loyalty. But the response from DMK leaders suggest that a compromise appears to be not at sight at present. Sun TV has been operating from the campus of DMK’s party headquarters right from the beginning. It would be shifted soon, according to people familiar with the development.

Meanwhile, the share prices of a rival channel Raj TV jumped 20% to Rs 226.40 a share on Tuesday. It also attracted an upper freeze of 20% with only buyers in queue. When Mr Karunanidhi celebrated his 50th year in assembly last Friday, the grand function, attended by political leaders including Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, was telecast live by Raj TV.

Such events were purely in the domain of Sun TV earlier. This has led to two sets of speculations. One is that Raj TV prices are going up on the back of support by DMK. Another is that, Sun TV itself could be pitching for Raj TV. Source: Economic Times