Catch the dynamic couple Sarath Kumar and Radikaa Sarath Kumar in Alive Koffee with Anu on Vijay TV.

The couple, both very popular actors, have many sensational hits to their credit, and have paired together in the blockbuster movie Surya Vamsam.

This couple discusses about how giving space to each other is very essential in any marriage. This lively one-hour show is packed with lots of amusing elements where the guests are seen teasing each other, bringing to light the lively chemistry that they share both onscreen and offscreen.

Sarath and Radikaa converse a lot about their professional work and personal relationship; how intimate they are, how they respect each other’s beliefs and how they do not influence the other’s individual decision-making.

Anu fires a whole set of questions at them, ranging from their personal lives to their political lives.

Do not miss Alive Koffee with Anu to watch this celebrity couple spill the beans over a whole range of topics on November 11, 2006, Saturday at 9:30 p.m., only on Vijay TV.