Dhanush’s next upcoming movie is titled “Ambikapathy” by Eros international produced by Krishika Llulla, Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor marks her debut in Tamil, we also have Hindi actor Abahy Deol donning a pivotal role in Ambikapathy. Speaking of her debut in Tamil film, Sonam said, “Many actresses whom I admire like Jayapradha, Hema Malini ,Waheeda Rehman, Vayjantimala and Sridevi have started their career in Tamil. I am quite thrilled to enter the Tamil film industry through Ambikapathy. I am not sure how many of them know the fact that my father Anil Kapoor was introduced by Director Mani Ratnam in a Kannada movie called “Pallavi Anupallavi”, A Tamil movie along with Dhanush, with musical score by Oscar winning A.R.Rehman, what more could I ask for? Thanks to my Director Anand. L. Rai. I am eagerly waiting like any other audience for the first day first show of Ambikapathy!
The dialogues for Ambikapathy are penned by John Mahendran, and the film is directed by Aanand.L .Rai, who delivered a smash hit in 2012 with a Hindi movie called Tanu weds Manu. DirectorAanand.L Rai said, “I have great admiration for filmmakers down south, especially Mani Ratnam, Shankar, Bala and many more. When successful south Indian movies are being remade in Hindi, I am glad I am venturing into Tamil film industry with Ambikapathy. The film is a love story torn out of a page of your life. Be it a boy or a girl, be it young or old, be it a literate or illiterate you will see yourself in the movie. Dhanush, an actor who gets into the skin of character with such ease and finesse and the simple yet beautiful Sonam were the perfect choice for Ambikapathy, you will understand when you see the film. Along with this, A.R. Rehman sir’s music brings in a total magical feel for this love story set against Benares”.Dhanush known for his non-stereotypical performance is also very excited about Ambikapathy, speaking about the film Actor Dhanush said, “the reason I have reached to this escalated level is because of the love from Tamil audience, they have felt and lived every character I have portrayed, cried and laughed with me, and will continue to do so, in this film Ambikapathy I have implemented the role with core intensity as a performer. Ambikapathywill be releasing simultaneously in Hindi and Tamil, The film is a romantic entertainer completely filmed in Banaras (kasi), Ambikapathy has Music score by Oscar winner AR Rahman and Lyrics by Vairamuthu which will be a beautiful love ode, Ambikapathy movie is slated to release on June 21st 2013.
Ambikapathy Tamil Movie Gallery
Ambikapathy Tamil Movie Photo Gallery