Director Magizh Thirumeni, whose last film was ‘Thadaiyara Thaakka’ garnered much appreciation, is next teaming up with Arya for an action thriller. Produced by Nemichand Jabak, the film is titled ‘Meagaamann’ meaning ‘Captain of the Ship’. The flick will have Arya in the lead, the heroine not having been finalised yet and the film will go on floors on December 5.

The supporting cast includes Ashuthosh Rana and Aashish Vidyarthi with music being scored by Thaman, cinematography is taken care of by Satish Kumar, art direction by Mohana Mahendran and editing by Praveen-Srikanth. The film will be a bilingual simultaneously made in Tamil and Telugu. The director had earlier revealed that the film will be about a suave undercover cop. It will also be an action entertainer, and will deal with the lives of upper middle class people.

Meagaamann Tamil Movie Announcement Press Meet Gallery

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