Tamil Nadu will raise a special police battalion at a cost of Rs. 16.52 crore and total of 10,000 policemen would be recruited by the government this year, Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi informed the Assembly on Thursday.

Replying to the demands on grants for police department, the Chief Minister said efforts are already on to recruit 5,000 as police and the remaining 5,000 to would be recruited before this financial year-end. To ensure security in coastal areas, 12 coastal police stations, 12 suburban police stations and 40 checkposts would be set up.

The expenses incurred would be shared by the State and the Central governments, he added.

Karunanidhi informed the House that police outposts in rural areas including Kanchipuram, Villupuram, Madurai and Kaniyakumari districts would be converted into full-fledged police stations.

A total of 2000 houses would be constructed for policemen at a cost of Rs 110 crore this year, he said and added new buildings would be constructed for all-woman police stations in 13 districts of Tamilnadu.

Karunanidhi further announced promotions for 10, 958 policemen and setting up of a special police force comprising 1000 policemen at a cost of Rs 16.5 crore.

New police stations would come up at Thiruvannamalai Melma Koot Road, Cuddalore Pagandai Junction, Namakkal Nalliplayam, Dindigul Reddiyar Chathiram and Villupuram Kanai.

Replying to the AIADMK’s charge that no action has been taken to curb the sale of illicit arrack, Karunanidhi said, ‘the State government is committed to fight against the sale of illicit arrack. However it is no easy job to completely do away with them. If we can produce good quality liquor, the flow of illicit arrack can be curtailed’.

Enforcing prohibition would mean a loss of Rs 7000 crore for the State exchequer and several thousand men working in TASMAC shops would go jobless, he added.