Sonia Agarwal entered the Tamil film industry with a bang in Kaadhal Kondain and went on to do the hit movie 7G Rainbow Colony with her ex-husband Selvaraghavan. Now Sonia is making a come back and will be acting in a Malayalam movie with with Suresh Gopi to be directed by TS Suresh Babu.
The movie is titled Kanyakumari Express and is produced by GS Murli with the banner of Pyramid Films International. The film is expected to hit the floors soon.The actress is currently working in Kushboo’s TV serial Naanal.
Sonia Aggarwal acted in 3 of Selva Raghavan’s movies Kadhal Kondein, 7 G Rainbow Colony and Pudupettai before she tied the knot with the director in december 2006. They filed for divorce by mutual consent in 2009.