Rise of the Apes is an origin story in the truest sense of the term. Set in present day San Francisco, the film is a reality-based cautionary tale, a science fiction/science fact blend, where man’s own experiments with genetic engineering lead to the development of intelligence in apes and the onset of a war for supremacy.
The Oscar-winning visual effects team that brought to life the worlds of Avatar and Lord of the Rings is breaking new ground, creating a CGI ape that delivers a dramatic performance of unprecedented emotion and intelligence, and epic battles on which rest the upended destinies of man and primate.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes Movie Gallery
Starring: James Franco, Freida Pinto, John Lithgow, Brian Cox, Tom Felton, and Andy Serkis
Directed By: Rupert Wyatt
Written By: Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver
Produced By: Peter Chernin, Dylan Clark, Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver
Rise of the Planet of the Apes Movie Photo Gallery