Former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Chandrababu Naidu had seen the much-awaited big-budgeted Shivaji at a special preview arranged for him on Thursday, June 14, 2007. Rajnikant arranged the show and he flew down to Hyderabad to watch the movie with Chandrababu Naidu. Telugu Desam Parliamentary leader Yerram Naidu, TD leader Ayyanapatrudu and Shivaji’s Telugu producer Bellamkonda Suresh were also present there.

Later the show, both Chandrababu Naidu and Rajnikanth spoke about the film.

Chandrababu Naidu

“Rajnikant is my good friend. About the film, all I can say it is going to create a history. It has great message. I appreciate Rajnikant for making a film with a social message. It deals about Black Money. If you see the current scenario in India, there is crores of black money lying. The film is an eye-opener for everyone. In the film, villain gives one rupee and challenges him. And in the end, the hero gives back him rupee and shows him that no one would take the money with him or her when they die. Director Shankar also told that no one is above the law. Even if someone deals with illegal and gets instant success, they too will be punished by the law. It is told in the film very correctly. The irregularities in the government setup also dealt in the film in right manner.

I have known Rajnikanth personally for a longtime. I know his thinking. I appreciate for his socially relevant movies. Even for his fans, there is everything for them in the film – from good songs, entertainment and good fights. In my opinion, there is no one in India to beat Rajni as per as his style is concerned. His popularity has reached to even Japan country even though he didn’t go there.

A section of people are getting richer at one side, on the other hand poorer are becoming poorer. In 20 years, India will be one of the top 4 nations in the world. It is a fact, even the world is saying the same. Shivaji told this too.


Chandrababu Naidu gaaru is my best friend. I told him I would show Chandramukhi but could not do because of time constraint. So when I came here for the shooting of Sivaji, I met him personally and promised him that I would show Sivaji before the release. That is why I have arranged this screening. I am happy that he liked it. Three days back Kalaingar Karunanidhi had also seen the movie and he appreciated it. It is nice to that these gentlemen and great personalities have enjoyed my movie. Tonight, I am showing the film to Jayalalitha.

NTR once told me that I should make films that contain message. I am doing the same by his suggestion.
Shivaji has come out well. But the entire credit goes to Shankar and AVM. Shankar has made it a very interesting film. Shivaji is an socio-commercial entertainer.