Rajini has again stressed that he completely supports Ajith in the remarks that Ajith made in the function to felicitate Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi. In the function held on Feb 6th Ajith appealed to the CM to ask the film personalities not to interfere with sensitive and political issues as many actors/actress were forced to support certain issues.
Superstar Rajinikanth met with the CM at his residence in the morning. It is said that the meeting was to thank the CM for attending his youngest daughter Soundarya Rajinikanth’s engagement. However the buzz is that they also discussed about the speech by Ajith Kumar.
Ajith’s speech was so well received that Superstar Rajinikanth stood up to applaud him followed by everyone. When quizzed after the meeting with the CM, Rajini said that he supported Ajith completely in his speech and it was the sentiments of many artistes that Ajith echoed in the function.
Following this Actor Ajith has set up a meeting with the CM for the evening which could be on the advise of superstar Rajini in order to clarify his speech to Chief Minister Karunanidhi.