Malavika was in news a couple of days back for walking out of the shooting for the movie Kaarthigai, after the producer Anjaneyulu misbehaved with her. Now the new twist to the story is that the producer has threatned actress Malavika that he will file defamtion charges on her for 75 lakhs!!
It all started with 5 month pregnant Malavika refusing to do heavy dance movements for a song in Karthigai film. The actress has alledged that the producer, Anjaneyulu, came into her caravan and tried to physically examine her to find out whether she really pregnant. The outraged actress immediately called Nadigar Sangam President Sarath Kumar, who advised her to leave the sets immediately. She then flew to Mumbai.
Karthikai movie has Vikramadithya in the lead along with Malavika and Samiksha and is being directed by Veera.
The producer of the movie is now denying the charges and demanding that the actress get back to work and finish her portion in the movie as he will get into heavy losses if she fails to do so. The producer-director duo, Anjenayalu and veera are also planning to sue to actress if she fails to complete the film with them.
Meanwhile the actress has complained to the Nadigar Sangam and they have forwarded the complaint to the Tamil Film Producers Council for it to act on it.