Poi, Pen Singam movie hero Uday Kiran committed suicide at his residence by hanging himself in Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad late Sunday night. No family member of the actor was present at home when he hanged himself. Doctors declared him brought dead upon shifting him to Apollo hospitals in Film Nagar for medical attention.
Uday Kiran born on January 26, 1980, shot to fame with his debut flick ‘Chitram’ and later went on doing blockbuster movies like Nuvvu Nenu, Manasanta Nuvve and Nee Sneham. Way back in 2003, he is engaged to Chiranjeevi’s daughter Sushimta, but the marriage was called off due to incompatibily issues. On October 24th last year, he married his long time love Visishta in a low-key affair.
Uday Kiran’s is facing tough situation in his career as his movies are not faring well at the box office. His last release was ‘Jai Sriram’ which was a big flop. There were six big flops in his career in both Telugu and Tamil.
Uday Kiran acted in three Tamil movies.