Vikram is an Indian film actor who has predominantly appeared in Tamil language films. During his years in the Indian film industry, he has won Five Filmfare Awards as well as One National Film Award and Tamil Nadu State Film Award amongst other recognitions and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by People’s University of Milan in May 2011. Vikram is known for his intense performances, with his work often fetching critical acclaim and commercial success.

Vikram has promoted various social causes and appeared as the Youth Envoy for the United Nations Human Settlements Programme in 2011. He He has been a Brand ambassador of Sanjeevani Trust and is the Brand ambassador of Vidya Sudha, a school for special children where he stayed during the making of Deiva Thirumagal and is also having a long-term associations with the Kasi Eye Care and running his own welfare association through the Vikram Foundation.

Dakshaa are proud to announce a String of Mobile Applications on iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows Platform. Vikram is the first actor in India to have an App on All Mobile Platforms. The only other Actor in India to have an App is Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu whose Mobile Application is available only for iPad.

Actor Chiyaan Vikram Gallery

Actor Chiyaan Vikram Gallery

Actor Chiyaan Vikram Photo Gallery