Montan Hydraulik (India) has recently inaugurated its second unit in Sholavaram. The company has been jointly promoted by Montan Hydraulik of Germany and Indian promoters, Ashok B. Rao, Ms. Sandhya Rao and their associates.
The existing unit of Indian outfit is located in Ambattur Industrial Estate and is engaged in designing production and installation of hydraulic systems and automation products used primarily in dam gates, steel plants and coal handling equipment.
The total cost of setting up the unit in Sholavaram in three phases, has been estimated at Rs. 5 crore. The first phase of 3,150 sq. m. comprising factory and office building was thrown open by Roland Herman, Consul General of the FRG.
In his address at the inaugural function, Peter Lipphardt, Chairman of Montan Hydraulik of Germany has stated that the new facilities now created at Sholavaram would be used to produce a range of hydraulic cylinders for exports to Germany and China, besides providing space for further expansion. The second phase of expansion of an additional 3,000 sq. m. would be completed by the third quarter of next year. Source: Hindu