Madhavan fondly called Maddy by his Tamil fans has not been seen much in Tamil. Apart from his Yaavarum Nalam last year and his Naan Aval Adhu is still awaiting release. Now riding high on the success of his hindi film 3 Idiots the versatile actor is all set for the release of his movie “Teen Patti” in which he shares screen space with legendary Amitabh Bachchan and Ben Kingsley.
‘Teen Patthi’ is inspired from the Hollywood thriller ‘21’ that centers on a professor training 5 of his best students to gain mastery over card games so as to win money at the casino clubs in Las Vegas.
Madhavan’s next project is director Aanand L. Rai’s “Tannu Weds Mannu”. It is a romantic movie and he has teamed up with Kangana Ranaut in it. Luck seems to be smilingly at him nowadays as he has bagged another exciting offer from filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri in his upcoming flick ‘Freedom’ which is loosely based on the hollywood classic “12 Angry Men”.