City of Hyderabad gave thumbs up for Rohan Sippy’s new film Dum Maaro Dum. The movie which opened in 46 screen in the Nizam area registered the biggest opening for the film in the south.
We played in 3 screens in IMAX and the response to the film was overwhelming. DMD was the most awaited Hindi film. Rana popularity coupled with the famous title of the movie was a crowd puller for DMD in this region. Infact even our weekday was close to 80 percent which is highly noteworthy. The movie impressive star cast of Abhishek, Bipasha Basu also helped stimulate the cinema goer Says T Srikanth GM operations, Prasad Media Corporation Ltd. HIs bollywood debut has been getting him lot of appreciation and encouraging reviews which added strength to DMD’s opening in this region as he is a very popular hero in south.
In Mysore the film has registered double the box office of any other Bollywood film released in 2011.
In India the film has hit a huge six during IPL season – a box office of Rs 6.2 crores net including paid previews which is the 2nd highest opening day for any Bollywood film this year.
The positive word of mouth and an impressive star cast of abhishek bipasha an prateek along with Rana on the film has seen shows fueling the box office growth.
Rohan Sippy works the magic again with this suspense drama thriller that has caught the imagination of the movie going audiences who were awaiting for the movie.