A supporting and Comedy Kollywood actress Shobana commited suicide on at her home in Kotturpuram, Chennai on Monday. The police said 31-year-old Shobhana committed suicide by hanging from the ceiling.
Shobana was alone at her apartment in H’ Block in Kotturpuram Housing Board Colony on Monday when she committed suicide.The actress Shobana was survived by her mother Rani, who wasn’t at home when Shobana committed suicide.
The explanation for the suicide isn’t known and investigations are on.The police said Shobana was suffering from Chikungunya. Due to the ailment, she lost a few chances to act in Tamil movies. This may be the reason for her suicide, they said.
Comedy actress Shobana, popularly known for her role in television serial Meendu Meendum Sirippu with Vennira Aadai Murthy. Shobana acted several Tamil movies also. Shobana is known for her roles with Vadivelu in films like Sillunu Oru Kaadhal very popular.