Rattehalli Nagendra Rao Krishna Prasad – RNK Prasad died on Wednesday in Appolo Hospital in Chennai dies after heart attack. He leaves behind wife Usha Prasad, daughter Rathnamala and son Rajiv Prasad. The veteran has acted in a couple of films including ‘Micheal Madhana Kamarajan’ and ‘Nayagan’, apart from directing a Kannada flick and being an ace cinematographer for more than eighty films. RNK Prasad has penned a book on cinematography and it is followed by the universities in teaching cinematography to the students even today. RNK Prasad born in Bengaluru studied in Bengaluru Central College graduated in science and Diploma in cinematography he studied in Jayachamarajendra polytechnic. He started his career from Premadha Puthri Kannada cinema as cameraman. RNK Prasad was the winner of Life Time Achievement award given in the name of Dr Vishnuvardhana by government of Karnataka in the year 2008-2009.

Camera Man R.N.K.Prasad Gallery

Camera Man R.N.K.Prasad Gallery

Camera Man R.N.K.Prasad Gallery

Camera Man R.N.K.Prasad Gallery

Camera Man R.N.K.Prasad Photo Gallery