The red carpet premiere of Evano Oruvan happened at Sathyam Cinemas in Chennai yesterday (December 6). Top celebrities like Satyaraj, Y.G.Mahendran and his family, Hindi actress Poonam Dhillon, directors Vasanth, L.Vijay, singer Unni Menon, Lekha and Aishwarya Dhanush, Thenappan were present for the premiere, but the surprise and excitement of everyone was the presence of Ajith and Shalini at the premiere. A visibly pregnent Shalini who is in her ninth month was a delight to everyone. The couple is expecting the arrival of their first child in January.
Maddy and his wife Saritha who were the organisers of the event played the perfect hosts to the celebrities present, talking and looking after the comfort of everyone present. The movie, directed by Nishikant Kamat, has Madhavan, Sangeetha and Seeman in lead roles.
Ajith his taking a break to be with his wife Shalini when the baby comes and has hence postponed the shooting of his next movie Akbar with Raju Sundaram to post January. His much awaited movie Billa 2007 is expected to be released this month on December 14th.