Vivekh says – “Go Green”
Actor Vivekh true to his image as “A man of social consciousness” has ventured into a mass campaign christened “Green Kalam Project” aimed at saving the planet.
Under the able guidance of Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam he had already planted more than 13, 00,000 (Thirteen lakhs) trees in a span of less than three months.
On this remarkable feat, the actor who is known for his rib tickling comedy blended with plenty of social messages says “Though I was given a target of 10, 00,000(Ten lakhs) by Shri Abdul Kalam ji we were able to achieve this feat principally and practically only with the awareness and cooperation of the public, the school children and administrations in particular… I make special mention on my friend Murugan and Mullaivanam of “Tree Bank” without whose help we wouldn’t have travelled so far, I have been getting excellent reviews on my performance in ‘Murratu Kalai’ it gives me immense satisfaction to have a successful professional and social image”.
On the occasion of planting trees at the vicinity of “Shri Satya Sai Viswaroopa Baba” at Valasaravakkam, braving the heavy rain that lashed the city last evening (28.06.2012) the actor was seen accepting accolades and wishes for both his screen and social image.