Tamil actor and popular magician Alex passed away today(May 1, 2011) at Apollo Hospital, Chennai after a brief illness. Actor Alex, who was known for his Villain roles and also for the magic shows. He was suffering from Liver Cancer and the disease has spreaded all over.

Alex was introduced to Tamil films with ‘Valli’ in 1997. He has acted in around 100 films and donned Villain and character roles.

He was 52. He is survived by his wife and two daughters.

Alex had etched his name in the Guinness Book of World Record as well as the Limca Book of Records for performing magic non-stop for 24 hours. He received the Chevalier award recently. The Tamil Nadu Government had also honoured him with the prestigious “Kalaimamani” Award.

Chennai365.com expresses condolence to the bereaved family.