Naren of Chithiram Pesudadi and Pallikoodam fame is all set to tie the knot with Manju on the 26th of this month. The marriage will be held in Calicut at 10.30 AM. Naren and Manju knew each other before and their decision to remain as life partners was endorsed by their parents also. Betrothal function was held at the bride’s place which was an in-house ceremony and was attended only by close relatives and friends.
After the traditional wedding on the 26th, the couple has decided to host a reception at G R T Grand Days on the 1st of September. Visibly excited parents of bride and the bridegroom are looking after all the wedding arrangements.
Meanwhile when Naren had visited the superstar to invite him for his wedding, he had blessed him and has gifted a Baba dollar. Needless to say, the young actor was touched by this sentiment of the superstar and vouched to keep the precious dollar safe for years to come.