Finally Nayantara will be starring with Ilayathalapathi Vijay in the next movie produced by AVM studios. It had been a in-out game for Kuruvi where one day the news said she was acting in Kuruvi and the next day the news said she was not. Finally Kuruvi flew with Trisha and Vijay and the shooting of the movie is going on in full swing.
But now Nayan is going to be acting in the next movie with Vijay. After her stylish portrayal of Sasha in Billa, she has become the hot figure in Tamil film industry
Nayantara is right now acting in ‘Yaaradi Nee Mohini’ with Dhanush and with Vishal in ‘Sathyam’. Both the movies are almost complete and ready for release.
Vijay and Nayan will act under the production of AVM Production and Entertainment. The director of the movie is yet to be finalized. This is the first time actor Vijay is doing a movie under the AVM banner. Vijay is currently doing Kuruvi which is produced by Udhayanidhi son of Minister M.K.Stalin and directed by Dharani. Vijay will next do a movie with Prabu Deva. He will then act under the AVM banner.