Kuruvi movie has the latest animation technology which will be animated by LSS Sathyan and his team. Vijay, Trisha, and Dharani are back together for Kuruvi after the superhit Ghilli. Vijay is looking for the film to break all box-office records, and his fans too are eagerly waiting for their Ilayathalapathy to set the screen on fire with his amazing stunts and top-class dance. The movie is said to be released on 300 screens in Tamil Nadu and 55 screens worldwide!

Kuruvi Movie Photo Stills

Starring: ILAYATHALAPATHY Vijay, Trisha, Malavika, Suman, Vivek, and others
Music: Vidyasagar
Cinematography: Gopinath
Direction: Dharani
Producer: Udayanidhi Stalin (Red Giant Movies)