Those who live by the sword perish by the same. Back to the sword-wielding ways is the beanstalk Dhanush after showing his no-slouch act at comedy in Thiruvilayadal Oru Arambam. Going overboard in stretching the limits of mother-son sentiment, director Suresh Krissna has played havoc with the end product.
Remakes are essentially safe bets when the original is not tampered. That the directorial baton changed hands – Suresh taking over after Raju Sundaram pulled out – must have hardly helped matters. Trying to cater to a different audience, Suresh seemed to have been caught in a no man’s land, unsure in his line of thinking and reasoning. There is no inkling of impending disaster in the warm-up opening frames. With that unlikely name of Azhagu, Dhanush is the apple of his mother’s eye. Once his father perishes to a dreaded disease, the mantle falls on Azhagu. Searching for his livelihood he lands in Chennai and promptly gets hooked to the wrong ways. Banking on the advice of his caretaker, he takes to the knife in the belief that it is the only course which will lead him to his mother.

You are happy to see the good-old Archana essaying the mother’s role with elan. It is one hell of a futile chase for the other National award actress Meera Jasmine. Hardly looking the part of a media reporter, she tries her damnedest to revive a sinking ship.
In a collective failure, it is not fair to single out Dhanush. Source: NewsToday