Several film luminaries are teaming up with the state Government to support the cause of child education. Surya, Madhavan and Vijay will team up witha Jyothika to appear in a documentry to promote literacy. Speaking about this, actor Surya revealed details about the project which has brought the film industry together. “States like Kerala have around 98 per cent literacy. But in TN, though the figures reveal 75 per cent literacy, the fact is, it includes people who can only sign their names. The fully literate comprise only 45 per cent to 50 per cent of the population,†he says. “Education can change the entire future of a family. But many families depend on daily wages and kids are sent for labour and hence, they miss out on their education and a bright future. The Ministry of Education, Government of TN, came up with the idea of some stars doing a documentary to spread awareness on the literacy issue. My Agaram Foundation is already involved in the cause of education. So, we were excited by this opportunity to further the cause and offered to produce a short film on literacy instead.â€
Other names associated with the film are Mani Ratnam, Rajiv Menon, Harris Jayaraj, ad filmmaker Roshni, ad film writer Thomas and Kodak. This documentary is directed by Priya V and shot by ace cinematographer KV Anand.