It will be the Coimbatore girl Vidya who will share screen space with the queen of small screen Ramya Krishna in the ongoing popular mega serial Thangam aired in a prime slot in Sun TV. The judges – director T P Gajendran and director-actor Santhanabharathi – said in unison that not much separated the final three conterstants and it was a tough decision to pick the eventual winner. Shwetha and Mahalakshmi, who finished marginally behind Vidya, could take heart from the fact that they will remain in contention for any possible slots in the small and big screen, the word of assurance coming from Santhanabharathi.
The 16 finalists of the Cinthol Sarma Padhukappu Sawal had a testing time parading their skills in short skits, dance and songs in the presence of Rahul Inamdar, Brand Manager, Anundo Samajpati, Category Head Soaps, Godrej Consumer Care Products Limited and Skin Expert Doctor Murugusundaram in the function got up at Karnataka Sangha on Monday.
The evening lit up as the contestants matched each other taking the challenge to rub shoulders with Ramya Krishna. The contestants spilled from the four major cities of Tamil Nadu – Chennai, Madurai, Trichy and Coimbatore. That a mindboggling number of 2376 candidates participated is a pointer to the popularity of the well organised event brought up by Vision Pro Event Management, a unit of Vision Time India Private Limited.
Appreciating the work of the energetic bunch, Ramya Krishna said it was a great effort without the support of dubbing, recording and the guidance of a director. “In my view everyone of the 16 here is a winner who can take pride in having done a honest and sincere job backed up by the help of the family members.”Popular singers Charulatha Mani and Balaji churned out some engrossing numbers, mostly for actor Vijay’s fans, who lapped upthe offerings and yelled for more. Small screen actors Rajkanth and Devipriya lend admirable support parading their dancing skills. The show compered by the energetic Vijay Sarathy livened up the proceedings.