Though Chennai started out on a cloudy note yesterday it was a bright beginning for the trio at Theos Studios. Theos managed by Sridharan, Nithyananda Ajith, Senthil Kumaran is a one stop place for film post-production activities. The studio located in Nungambakkam was inaugurated yesterday by

Sri Nithya Sadhananda
Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam

Sri. T.G. Thyagarajan
Sathya Jyothi Films,

Sri. Sriram Parasuram

Smt. Anoorada Sriram.

Smt. Kutty Padhmini
Vaishnavee Media Works Ltd,

Sri. J. Sudhanandhen
Erode Sengunthar Engineering College,

Studio Bulletin

Media industry gets its glory day after day with the emergence of promising and educated youngsters into it. Young visual communication graduates Sridharan, Nithyananda Ajith and Senthil Kumaran (graduated from Loyola and SRM respectively) have started a high end audio and video studio in the name “Theos” in nungambakkam. The studio includes Audio recording and mixing facility with latest Protools HD2 feature, Film and television edit suites with Avid media composer 4 for editing with mojo sdi. It’s also got FCP system in it. With very spacious interiors, the studio is build with all great standards. Apart from the studios, the premises has an advertising agency and a photography shooting floor in it. It would be ideal to say it offers a complete media solutions. It’s having its inauguration on 27th Jan with Media’s highly respected celebrities taking part the function.
Theos Studio Inaguration Gallery
Theos Studio Inaguration Stills

Theos Studio Inaguration Stills

Theos Studio Inaguration Stills

Theos Studio Inaguration Stills

Theos Studio Inaguration Stills

Theos Studio Inaguration Stills

Theos Studio Inaguration Stills

Theos Studio Inaguration Photo Gallery