MSV SIR SINGS FOR NEELAM -“Alayae o Alayae” is the Song

Mellisai Mannar “M.S Vishwanathan Sir Sings a High Voltage song for Neelam titled “Alayae o Alayae”. The recording of the song took place at Clemetine Studios under the Music composition of Satish Chakravarthy and lyrics of Yugabarathi.This song seems to be a song with lot of meaning involved in it and the Director after seeing the output of the song is extremely happy and planning to make the visuals little more intense. The director says it’s a unforgettable moment in his life and would treasure this for years as working with a Legend like MSV sir is like a dream come true. This movie is Produced By BLUE WAVES ENTERTAINMENT Directed By VENKATESH KUMAR.G Starring Sree as HERO.The Movie is shaping well and will hit the screens this summer holidays.

MSV Sings for Neelam Gallery

MSV Sings for Neelam Stills

MSV Sings for Neelam Photo Gallery