Motorola, a global wireless communication provider and makers of handsets, opened its first Motostore in Chennai yesterday. Sudhir Agarwal, director, Motorola inaugurated the new outlet in the presence of Pawan Kapur, CEO of Bharti Teletech.

Motostore, set up on franchisee-model offers sales and services under one roof for the customers. Besides, it offers users an opportunity to personalise their phones using customised ‘phone tattoos’ and Bluetooth photo-imaging, as well as downloading of wallpapers and ringtones and on-site factory authorised technicians. The idea of opening retail outlet has been formulated after a series of research and development by the company.

Motorola has opened stores in key locations across the globe including Europe, Asia Pacific, North and Latin America. As part of expansion, it has opened Motostores in Mumbai, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Pune, Delhi, Ahmedabad and Noida recently. The new Motostore in Chennai is located at Bhawartel, M 78/6, Third Avenue, (near K4 police station), Anna Nagar. Source: NewsToday