eBay India Motors, the leading online B2B Motors marketplace, announced its plans of enhancing focus on Tamil Nadu. Acknowledging Tamil Nadu and particularly Chennai’s emerging importance as a significant eCommerce centre for B2B Motors transactions, Amit Bhartiya, Director, eBay India Motors announced the company’s plans to increase awareness of the eBay India Motors platform and the opportunities it represents for corporates and dealers. Mr. Bhartiya commemorated the occasion by felicitating Mr. Lakshmanasami, a Coimbatore based entrepreneur dealer on the eBay India Motors platform at the event.
eBay India Motors is the largest online marketplace for sale of second hand cars, bikes, commercial vehicles and tractors in India. It is a B2B Motors Marketplace where corporates, financial institutions, large dealers and fleet owners sell vehicles to automobile dealers across the country. eBay India Motors’ strength lies in its dealer base of over 8,000 dealers, who are registered to buy on the platform, across 225 cities.
Mr. Amit Bhartiya, Director, eBay India Motors shared, â€ÂIn a fragmented used vehicle market like India, we have been successful in addressing the needs of the corporates and dealers through the creation of a robust and scalable platform which provides a one stop shop for the transparent sale of all makes and types of used vehicles, across the country. On any given day, almost 600 vehicles are auctioned on the eBay India Motors platform and a vehicle sells ever 5 minutes! We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our dealers for their continued support and trust in the marketplace. We will continue to transform conventional dealers and brokers across the country into successful online entrepreneurs in the used vehicle industryâ€Â.
eBay Motors has been successful in addressing the inefficiencies existing in the market by creating a transparent and liquid wholesale market of used vehicles. The growth has been manifested by the response from the B&C cities, which forms a large percentage of the 8000 pre approved dealer network spread across 225 towns and cities in India. Over 50 institutional sellers sell Tractors, Commercial Vehicles, 4 wheelers and 2 wheelers.
eBay India Motors provides free training to interested dealers through eBay Motors Academy, conducted across India. The academy comprises of buyer-training programs to inform the participants about the opportunity, benefits & processes of buying on eBay India. In addition, there is phone based training and even regional language online animated tutorials in Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada & Bengali.