Bajaj Auto Ltd (BAL) on Monday hardened its stand on the alleged patent infringement by rival TVS Motor Co and said it will take all necessary steps to safeguard its interests and “inflict maximum permissible damage upon the offender”.
Responding to TVS Motor’s threat to file a Rs 250 crore damage suit, Mr S Sridhar, CEO (two-wheelers), Bajaj Auto said: “Bajaj is preparing to defend its intellectual property rights in the event such a product is eventually introduced.”
“At the time, if evaluation of the actual product appears to suggest reasonable grounds for infringement, Bajaj will take all necessary steps to safeguard its interests as also to inflict the maximum permissible damage upon the offender to set an effecti ve precedent for the future.”
TVS had yesterday said it had asked its lawyers to put BAL on notice that unless it withdraws the allegations, the company would file a suit seeking damages of Rs 250 crore.
BAL, the country’s second-biggest motorbike maker, has alleged that TVS’ 125cc Flame uses its patented technology. When contacted, Mr Cecil K Dewars, Vice President – Corporate Communication, TVS Motor said: “We stand by our statement. Our technology is different from theirs and they (BAL) need to prove (that TVS infringed).”
Asked if the spat would impact TVS’ plans to roll out ‘Flame’, Mr Dewars said: “We are going ahead as per schedule and there is no question of changing it.”
Mr Sridhar also said BAL had received necessary approvals in July 2005 via patent number 195904 and added it believes that the use of twin spark technology, christened Bajaj DTS-i, in small automotive engines “is worthy of intellectual protection”.