Currently a song involving Vijay and Shriya is being picturized for Azhagiya Tamil Magan in a massive set in Binny Mills and Ajith’s Billa and Jeyam Ravi’s Santosh Subramanian are being filmed at A V M studios. To view the shooting and their favorite stars, there is a constant stream of visitors to these studios, as a result of which shooting gets hindered at various levels. To combat this issue, the film units have sought the help of private security agencies who are providing the shooting spot an immaculate security cover. It has also been said that Ajith’s Billa has been provided with three tiers of security.
When a unit source was questioned about this sudden increase of protection, it was revealed that people who come to the sets with expensive cell phones directly record the stars, their costumes, shooting sets and even some sequences which find their way into the web portals. There were even few song sequences which were telecast in a private television channel before the film hit the screens. This reduces the curiosity which is generally linked to a film and affects its performance too. Hence to protect from such miscreants, the production team has enforced strict security cover for the shooting.