Chennai, November 2009 : Creating a powerful first impression is important for all, be it a fresh graduate appearing for the first interview, or someone applying for a new job, or prospective bride and groom getting ready for their married life, or a small entrepreneur seeking to expand business, or someone applying for a visa. Within the first three seconds of a new encounter, you are judged-even if it is just at a glance. Within only three seconds, you make an indelible first impression. In every new situation, the first impression process occurs. Once the first impression is made, it is generally irreversible.

In a fast paced world, that is increasingly success driven, First Impressions have assumed an all conquering, all dominating presence. In fact, so rampant is the need to create a good First Impression that the Frankfinn Group, world leaders in training for aviation, hospitality and travel – industries that demand the highest standards of service, soft skills and grooming, thought it worth their while to venture forth in the market with a range of customized training solutions that help build a great First Impression.

What started off as a test marketing exercise in 2008 is now rolling out as a range of courses that have been christened First Impression Studio, First Impression Lab, First Impression Clinic, First Impression Campus Lab, First Impression Campus Clinic, Hello India and Makeover. And for those who wish to set up their own business and make a career as an image consultant, they have introduced a special course, First Impression Image Consultant – first certified course in image consulting in India.

Some of the training programmes cover varied segments and specialised needs. For example, youngsters grappling with job interviews can avail of ‘Interview Cracker’. Those looking to enhance their marriage prospects or would-be brides and grooms can go in for ‘Wedding Bells’. The ‘Better Half’ is a programme specially designed for housewives to balance and successfully perform multiple roles. ‘Business Impressions’ is for business people desirous of a better image at work. In fact, there are even courses for people flying abroad (Take Off) and those looking to adapt better to big cities (City Special). All in all, a rather well rounded portfolio.

Course durations vary from a few days to few months, and can be customized according to the client’s need and start from a very nominal price of Rs.3000/- only.

Frankfinn also recently rolled out a corporate training division called Frankfinn Corpexcel, corporate trainers to emerging India. Frankfinn’s strength lies in its expertise in soft skills training whereas most of the other companies in corporate training have a technical training background and hence are not able to do full justice.  More information is available at

Frankfinn set to create an indelible First Impression