CHENNAI: After a spell of heavy showers on Saturday night, it turned out to be surprisingly sunny on Sunday in the city. The rains on Saturday night were attributed to the deep depression that brought heavy rains that crossed over to Andhra Pradesh.  According to the Meteorological department, the city had experienced rains of 19 cm on Saturday night alone and the nearby areas recorded an average rainfall of 11 – 18 cms causing floods which led to the disruption of normal life.“The depression has reached Andhra Pradesh and right now it is 50 km east of Nellore. It will cross Bapatla and Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh on Sunday night. This is why the city will experience only light showers on Sunday and Monday,” said S.R. Ramanan, Director (Area of Cyclone Warning Centre) on Sunday afternoon. Since the Meteorological department had predicted only light showers on Sunday, many people decided to spend their day outdoors and children who had to stay at home due to the rains had much to cheer about.