The young 18 year old is fast becomming the hot actress in Bollywood. After signing up Ayan opposite Surya, Tamanna has now signed for the movie Padikathavan with Danush. The actess with a sweet innocent looks who looks equally hot in the photos of Ayan is on the fast lane to becomming one of the sought after actress in both Tamil and Telugu.
The legal heirs of N.Veerasami of Easwri Productions the producer of Rajnikanth’s Padikathavan (1985) have agreed to part with the title and now Danush and Tamanna will be seen in the movie. The movie will be directed by Suraj for producers Vijaya Productions. Music is by Mani Sharma.
The crew of Padikathavan had been on a lookout for a fresh face, with bubbly character and had considered Genelia, but finally zeroed in on Tamanna. Tamanna for the first time will portray a role which will have shades of humor and is all excited about her role. The shooting of the movie is expected to start in the first week of April.