Chennai based telecom company Dhanus Technologies announced the launch of its vehcile tracking system – FleeTrac on Thurday.
“The firm invested Rs 100 crore on the project and is targeting four million vehicles in the coming years,” Dhanus’ Executive Chairman A D Sudhindra told reporters here.
FleeTrac would use existing mobile airways and Global Positioning System (GPS) to track fleets of cars and trucks to monitor their movement and issue alerts if there is a deviation from the designated route of the vehicle.
“We are in talks with many BPO firms to popularise the product among them,” he said, adding that a small device fitted in the car would keep in touch with the main server in the control room and report deviations or emergencies like accidents.
“The system cannot be manipulated by the user, as it is accessed using a secured network,” Sudhindra said.
Features include Fuel Bar Alert, (informs the user of fuel pilferage) and Panic Button Alert (the control room can be immediately informed of emergencies like accidents or hijack of the vehicle), among others.