Known for his urbane, stylish yet soulful scripts director GVM turned yet another leaf in his book to entertain and enthrall audience now reaching for the stars through “dhruva natchathiram” – his next movie starting Actor Surya. A cosmic congregation was witnessed in the morning for the auspicious pooja to start off proceedings. In attendance were some of the biggest minds in the industry including actor director Parthiban, directors Ram, Premsai, Vignesh, Art Director Rajeevan, writer Charu Nivetha, Madan Karky, Vasanta Bhavan Ravi, and team photon kathaas. Stars shine early in the morning and lets wait with baited breath for the spectacle christened Dhruva Natchathiram
Dhruva Natchathiram Movie Launch Gallery
Dhruva Natchathiram Movie Launch Photo Gallery