Vikram-Deeksha Seth starrer ‘Veedinthe’ which is being directed Susheen Teeran and produced by Prasad V Potluri under PVP Cinema banner had its logo, trailers and website launch at the same time today in Ramanaidu Studios in Hyderabad. The logo was released by K Vishwanath, while the trailer was released by M M Keeravani and the website by Suresh Babu.
Cast: Vikram, Deeksha Seth, Sriya Saran, Reema Sen, Saloni, Pradeep Rawath and K Vishwanath.
Music: Yuvan Shankar Raja
Producer: Prasad V Potluri
Direction: Suseen Teeran
Rajapattai (Veedinthe) Movie Gallery
Rajapattai (Veedinthe) Movie Photo Gallery