Leading actor Chiyaan Vikram declared open the new eye care centre of Dr Agarwal’s Eye Hospital at Ashok Nagar, Chennai. This new centre will be a secondary eye care centre with facilities to treat diseases like glaucoma, retinal degeneration, vitrectomy, macular degeneration and squint apart from cataract. The centre is outfitted with latest operational microscope, laser equipment, optical coherence topography (OCT), Fundus Flourence Angiography (FFA) and phaco equipments to facilitate advanced diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders.
Speaking shortly after the inauguration, Vikram, said, “Dr Agarwal’s Eye Hospital, pioneers in eye care, is well known for its dedicated service to the people. I am always overwhelmed by the service they provide to the people. I am delighted for the people residing in Ashok Nagar as they will now have easy access to the world-class treatment in the field of ophthalmology.”
Dr Amar Agarwal, joint managing director, Dr Agarwal’s Eye Hospital Ltd, said, “We always provide world-class eye care treatment to our patients. We have established our centre in this part of the city to cater to the people in and around Ashok Nagar. We have pumped in over Rs 4 crore to give the people a world-class facility in this centre.”
Traffic is increasing in Chennai every day. “It will take at least 45 minutes for a patient in Ashok Nagar to visit our hospitals on Cathedral Road. That is why we are opening more eye care centres in different parts of the city. We plan to open a new centre in Chennai every 24 days.”
Dr Agarwal’s Eye Hospital is a tertiary eye hospital started in 1957. The hospital is celebrating 50 years of quality service with the opening of new branches in Chennai, Villupuram, Kancheepuram and Jaipur. The organisation has received various awards for its inventions and services.
In March 2006, chairman, Dr J Agarwal, was awarded the Padma Bhushan for his dedicated service to the poor and needy. The hospital was noted on the global platform for its invention Micro-Phakonit (0.7 mm cataract surgery) by Dr Amar Agarwal.
Amar announced that 25 free eye surgeries would be done every month in the name of actor Vikram as a special gesture. Vikram thanked Amar for the noble gesture. He was glad to note that the hospital conducted a number of special camps in the rural areas. (R Rangaraj) Source:Chennaionline